As you’ll no doubt be aware and as was communicated at this year’s AGM, quite a few of our committee members have stepped down for personal reasons. We have also seen a distinct lack of members volunteering themselves to support the committee.
No-one likes change, but as a result of the above, we have explored a number of ways to reduce the burden of the remaining committee members time. We have identified the largest burden being our booking in and payment process. To streamline this and avoid drastic changes to how the club runs, the committee have made the following decisions:-
1. The sale of race cards will cease immediately, although the club will honour those which people have already purchased.
2. The booking in form will be updated to reflect the following changes from 1st May 23
3. The fee structure will change to:-
e. 2nd Class £3 (Members and Non-Members)
4. All racers completing the booking in form must pay by Paypal as Family and Friends
d. The Paypal statement will form the list of racers to be used to set the system up ahead of the Friday event
5. Club Transponders must be booked via the booking in form and the £1 payment must also be paid for by Paypal when booking in with a comment to support the payment
6. Free racing for 1st time visits will be removed Committee We discussed at the AGM how potential volunteers to the committee are frightened off by the thought of bureaucracy and red tape associated with holding a committee position.
This does not have to be the case for all committee positions. Track Support After taking on board these comments, we have decided to introduce a Track Support Committee Role. The intention being that whilst these roles will form part of the committee and have a committee vote, they will not be directly involved in the strategic running of the club, financial, public liability, school liaison and health and safety decision making.
While our existing committee members are rallying round to set up race control, the tuck shop, distribute transponders and enable the racing to go ahead, we feel these new Track Support roles could offer a valuable oversight into the setting up of the track ensuring things like:-
• loop function check
We’d ideally like someone to take the position Janice had rather that it be shared around, but any support in this area would be welcome. This could even be the partner of a racer, Mum, Dad or Grandparent who attends on a Friday to support their team, but is sat pit side for most of the night. Why not be active in the ‘hall’ community and become the focal point of all our events. Change has to happen Without positive change now, negative change will follow. Please do not take your Friday nights for granted. People spend hours and hours of their personal time each week to make things happen for you. Please help and support your club and we can turn this around.